
Cost Comparison Of Solar Lights And Traditional Electricity Lights

Traditional Electricity Light

1. Electricity mainly from thermal power, coal and natural gas which are non-renewable resources. Annual carbon dioxide emissions of one single lamp is 0.93 tons;

2. Need maintenance frequently

3. When having floods or rainy days, it easily happens accident of leak electricity.

4. People is vulnerable when power off.

5. Power supply, need to excavate cable trench, laying cables Technology Co., Ltd.

Solar Led Street Light With Lead  Acid  Battery

1. Cause heavy pollution as lead acid battery is not recyclable and has heavy metal pollution problem.

2. The lifespan of Lead acid battery is 2 years generally speaking.

3. Because of heavy pollution, Lead acid battery has been fading out of the market.

4. Solar power, no need electricity, no electricity bill

Solar Led Street Light With Lithium  Battery&Intelligent controller

1. use recyclable solar power resource

2. low voltage, absolutely safe

3. very simple to install, no need to excavate cable trench

4. use Eco-friendly lithium battery, reduce environmental pollution

5. intelligent controller, with microwave sensor, IP65 waterproof

6. Solar power, no need electricity, no electricity bill

7. Solar LED street lamp has been developing and more and more popular in these years. Please refer to the solar led street trend here Technology Co., Ltd.

In conclusion, you can see the advantages of solar power street lamp, cost-saving, energy-saving, good looking design, please refer to .

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